Math/Science Field Day

Welcome to Math/Science Field Day at Scottsdale Community College!

Bring your math and science students to a fun and educational day at Scottsdale Community College!

The 28th Annual Math/Science Field Day will be held on Thursday, January 11, 2024. Throughout the day, students will have the opportunity to win scholarships to Scottsdale Community College, and many other prizes by participating in a variety of competitions.

This website also contains a schedule of events, a website full of math exam practice problems, and other information that will be helpful in learning more about Field Day. Please feel free to contact Patricia Dueck if you have any questions.

The event remains free for all teachers and students who have registered. Light refreshments will be provided in the morning. Lunch will also be provided for students and their faculty sponsors. Join us for a great way to start the Spring Semester!


  1. Math Exam: Each school may bring a team of up to 6 students to participate in the math exam. No more than 2 students can be from a given course level; Algebra 2/Geometry, Pre-Calculus, or Calculus. Students will be judged by course level, not by grade level. All students take the same exam. The exam is a one-hour written exam. Any calculator similar to a TI-83/84 is permitted. Exams and solutions from the previous year can be found at the website listed at the bottom of this page.
  2. Science Preliminary Competition: Each school may bring 1 or 2 teams of 3 students each to participate in the science preliminary competition. This is a one-hour oral competition in a questions-and-answer team format. Questions are in the areas of biology, chemistry, and physics.
  3. Project Competition: Each school may enter 1 team of 3 students. All teams will be given a task to complete in a fixed amount of time. The task will utilize skills from mathematics and science as well as teamwork. Some preparation is needed for this event. See our website under the link “Project Competition”.
  4. Math/Science Final Competition: Based on the top-scoring schools in the Science Preliminary Competition and the Math Exam, three different schools will be asked to field a team of 4 students for the final competition. This will be an oral competition in a question-and-answer format with questions in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.
  5. Faculty Sponsors:  To help us keep within our budget, please bring up to 2 faculty sponsors only.

It is important to note that students will not be able to participate in two or three competitions at once. The Project Competition, the Math Exam, and the Science Preliminary Competition occur simultaneously. During the time the students are competing, the teachers will have a special speaker!

Registration Deadline

By Friday, January 5, 2024, please send in a completed registration form found on our website. You may submit the form online or email the registration form. There will be “early-bird” prizes awarded to the schools that register before the January 5th deadline.
