
The Global Carbon Cycle

global carbon infographic

U.S. D.O.E. 2008 Carbon Cycling and Biosequestratoin: Report from the March 2008 Workshop, DOE/SC-108, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. (p. 2-3)

Figure 1: The center diagram shows how carbon moves between the land, atmosphere and oceans. Yellow numbers indicate natural fluxes, white are stored carbon, and red representes human contributions in gigtons per year.

oceans of impact report table

Turley C, Keier I, Seeyave S, Beckman F, Waddicombe S: Oceans of Impact. Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Partnershipo for Observation of the Global Oceans, Global Ocean Acidification-Observinf Network, Ocean Acidification – International Coordination Center; 2018 4pp. DOI: 10.17031/EP387W.

Figure 2: How the ocean is experiencing stress from the lack of reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Green Apps

Download the following apps on your phone to track your positive impacts today.

Track your Carbon Footprint:

  1. LiveGreen Daily Carbon Tracker
  2. EcoCRED: Eco-Focused Habits

Measure Air Quality in your area:

  1. Plume Air Report: Pollution


  1. iRecycle: Locate places to recycle specific items including brake fluid, batteries, paint and so much more!
  2. Seafood Watch: Make sure the seafood you eat is the best choice whether it is fished or farmed while also seeing which seafood to avoid! Locate nearby seafood & sushi!

Carbon Footprint

Measure and track you carbon footprint using the calculator below! Monitor your consumption, identify trends to see where you stand, and to make positive changes!