
Community-Centered Conservation to Life

"Humans have wandered the Earth for thousands of years but never has our capacity to alter the Earth’s ecosystem at a larger scale been more prominent than it is today." – Kat Lahr, 2015 – Parallelism of Cyclicality

The conservation of wildlife and habitat is connected to human well being. Impoverished communities destabilize ecosystems. Studies through the Jane Goodall Institute show that a healthier human population results from reducing the risk of disease transmission between humans and chimpanzees. Reduced pressures on population growth to have smaller families also reduces farming practices that are unsustainable and rapid deforestation threatening the natural resources and habitats of the chimpanzees.

JGI USA Strageic Plan 2018-2022 report cover

"JGI USA Strategic Plan 2018-2022." The Jane Goodall Institute.

How do we accomplish changing the magnitude of events?

Growing Compassionate Leaders: Empower youth through service in education

The world needs compassionate leaders to make better decisions for humans,
animals and the environment.

  1. What makes a compassionate leader?
    1. Introspection
    2. Empathy
    3. Critical thinking
    4. Acting with purpose
    5. Open collaboration and communication
    6. Team player spirit
    7. Peer influence
    8. Hope and optimism
    9. Adaptability
    10. Resiliency
  2. Map out your community and identify local needs
    1. Prioritizing those needs to then take action addressing issues you care about most
    2. Witnessing problems in person to gain a realistic understanding of what issues are being faced
    3. When complete, measure your impact and celebrate success
  3. Familiarize yourself with laws and regulations
    1. Are you certain your local agencies are doing their job efficiently?
    2. Especially those who are not currently under scrutiny in the public eye?
    3. Check and confirm!
    4. Be a concerned citizen regarding issues that you are passionate about and then the rest may follow!
  4. Educate yourself, family, friends, and acquaintances
    1. Make more informed decisions
    2. See what research is out there
    3. Ask questions! It is 100% alright to not know the answer!

"Acting together, getting involved in events and learning about an issue as a result of social media. YOUR VOICE MATTERS & social media allows your voice to be heard." – Jane Goodall Institute

"Impact 18: JGI USA Annual Report." The Jane Goodall Institute.

Wildlife Trafficking and Social Media

5th Reason of Hope

Jane’s Traffic Stop is an advocacy campaign to put an end to wildlife trafficking.

Campaign will lead to:

  1. Messages being sent to the world’s top conservation and political leaders
    1. Advocating for endangered species
    2. Removal of invasive species
  2. A demand for tighter anti-trafficking regulations
  3. Community involvement in monitoring forests with new remote sensing data
  4. Photos taken are then sent to government districts alerting them of illegal activities in the area that have or do not have monitoring resources
  5. These then cause the government to make more informed decisions

Ultimately, building trust within the community!

"Standing up to the multinationals harming our planet to satisfy their lust for immediate profit, never thinking of those who will inherit the world that they have so degraded." – Jane Goodall Institute