Kuang, Y., J.D. Nagy and Steffen Eikenberry. 2016. Introduction to Mathematical Oncology. Taylor and Francis/CRC Press.
Research Articles
Meade, W., A. Weber, T. Phan, E. Hampston, L. Figueroa Resa, J. D. Nagy, and Y. Kuang. 2022. High Accuracy indicators of androgen suppression therapy failure for prostate cancer–A modeling study. Cancers 14:4033.
Hews, S, S. Eikenberry, J.D. Nagy, T. Phan and Y. Kuang. 2021. Dynamics and implications of an HBV model with proliferating infected hepatocytes. Appl. Sci., 11(17):8176.
Nikolopoulou, E., L.R. Johnson, D. Harris, J.D. Nagy, E.C. Stites and Y. Kuang. 2018. Tumor-immune dynamics with an immune checkpoint inhibitor. Lett. Biomath. 5(Suppl 1): S137–S159.
Smith, A.T., J.D. Nagy and C.I. Millar. 2016. Behavioral ecology of American pikas (Ochotona princeps) at Mono Craters, California: Living on the edge. West. N. Am. Nat. 76(4): 459-484.
Everett, R.A., J.D. Nagy and Y. Kuang. 2016. Dynamics of a data based ovarian cancer growth and treatment model with time delay. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 28(3-4):1393-1414.
Andrew T. Smith and J.D. Nagy. 2015. Population resilience in an American pika (Ochotona princeps) metapopulation. Journal of Mammalogy 96:394-404.
White, E.R., J.D. Nagy and S. H. Gruber. 2014. Modeling the population dynamics of lemon sharks. Biology Direct 9:23.
Young, J., D. Armbruster and J.D. Nagy. 2014. Three level signal transduction cascades lead to reliably timed switches. Journal of Theoretical Biology 361:69-80.
Morken, J.D., A. Packer, R.A. Everett, J.D. Nagy and Y. Kuang. 2014. Mechanisms of resistance to intermittent androgen deprivation in patients with prostate cancer identified by a novel computational method. Cancer Research 74:1-11.
Young, J., D. Armbruster and J.D. Nagy. 2014. Time dependent Michaelis-Menten equations for open-enzyme networks. In: Mikhailov, A.S. and G. Ertl (eds.). Engineering of Chemical Complexity II. World Scientific, Singapore. In press.
Bickel, S. T., J.D. Juliano and J.D. Nagy. 2014. Evolution of proliferation and the angiogenic switch in tumors with high clonal diversity. PLoS ONE 9(4): e91992. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091992.
McDaniel, K.J., E. Kostelich, Y. Kuang, J.D. Nagy, M. Preul, N. Z. Moore and N. Matirosyan. 2013. Data assimilation in brain tumor models. In: Mathematical Methods and Models in Biomedicine, U. Ledzewicz, H. Schattler, A. Friedman and E. Kashdan, eds. Lecture Notes on Mathematical Modelling in the Life Sciences. Springer, Berlin.
Nagy, J.D. and D. Armbruster. 2012. Evolution of uncontrolled proliferation and the angiogenic switch in cancer. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 9:843-876.
Parvinen, K., A. Seppänen and J.D. Nagy. 2012. Evolution of complex density-dependent dispersal strategies. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74:2622-2649. DOI 10.1007/s11538-012-9770-9.
Seppänen, A., K. Parvinen and J.D. Nagy. 2012. Evolution of dispersal in American pika (Ochotona princeps) metapopulations. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14:1-29.
Portz, T, Y. Kuang and J.D. Nagy. 2012. A clinical data validated mathematical model of prostate cancer growth under intermittent androgen suppression therapy. AIP Advances 2:011002.
van Zwieten, D., J.E. Rooda, D. Armbruster and J.D. Nagy. 2011. Simulating feedback and reversibility in substrate-enzyme reactions. European Physical Journal B 84:673-684.
Eikenberry, S., J.D. Nagy and Y. Kuang. 2010. The evolutionary impact of androgen levels on prostate cancer in a multiscale mathematical model. Biology Direct 5:24.
Hews, S., S. Eikenberry, J.D. Nagy and Y. Kuang. 2010. Rich dynamics of a Hepatitis B Virus infection with logistic hepatocyte growth. Journal of Mathematical Biology 60:573-590.
Wang, H., J.D. Nagy, O. Gilg and Y. Kuang. 2009. The roles of predator maturation delay and functional response in determining the periodicity of predator-prey cycles. Mathematical Biosciences 221:1-10.
Armbruster, D., J.D. Nagy, V.A.F. van de Rijt and J.E. Rooda. 2009. Dynamic simulations of single molecule enzyme networks. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113:5537-5544.
Eikenberry, S., S. Hews, J.D. Nagy and Y. Kuang. 2009. The dynamics of a delay model of HBV infection with logistic hepatocyte growth. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 6:283-299.
Gourley, S.A., Y. Kuang and J.D. Nagy. 2008. Dynamics of a delay differential equation model of hepatitis B virus infection. Journal of Biological Dynamics 2:140–153.
Nagy, J.D. 2007. Hypertumors in cancer can be caused by tumor phosphorus demand. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7: 1121703-1121704.
Elser, J.J., M. Kyle, M.S. Smith and J. D. Nagy. 2007. Biological stoichiometry in human cancer. PLoS ONE 2:e1028.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001028.
Nagy, J.D., E.M. Victor and J.H. Cropper. 2007. Why don’t all whales have cancer? A novel hypothesis resolving Peto’s paradox. Integrative and Comparative Biology 47:317–328.
McKane, A.J., J.D. Nagy, T.J. Newman, and M.O. Stephanini. 2007. Amplified biochemical oscillations in microscopic systems. Journal of Statistical Physics 128:165–191.
Nagy, J.D. 2005. The ecology and evolutionary biology of cancer: a review of mathematical models of necrosis and tumor cell diversity. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2: 381–418.
Nagy, J.D. 2004. Competition and natural selection in a mathematical model of cancer.Bull. Math. Biol. 66: 663-687.
Kuang, Y., J.D. Nagy and J. Elser. 2004. Biological Stoichiometry of Tumor Dynamics: Mathematical Models and Analysis. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B 4: 221-240. pdf
Elser, J.J., J.D. Nagy and Y. Kuang. 2003. Biological Stoichiometry: an ecological perspective on tumor dynamics. BioScience 53: 1112-1120. pdf
Manuals/Text Chapters
Stein, J.D., J.D. Nagy and K.E. Cooper. 2006. Introductory Biology for Allied Health: A laboratory manual for BIO 156. 1st ed. Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, Iowa.
Nagy, J.D. and K.E. Cooper. 2003. Laboratory Manual for Human Biology. 2ndedition. Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, Iowa.
Nagy, J.D. and K.E. Cooper. 1999. Laboratory Manual for Biology 156: Human Biology for Allied Health. Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, Iowa.
Cooper, K.E. and J.D. Nagy. 1997. Quantitative Exercises and Solutions. In: Sherwood, L. Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems (Third Edition). Wadsworth Publishing, Washington D.C.
Cooper, K.E. and J.D. Nagy. 1997. Appendix C: Principles of Quantitative Reasoning. In: Sherwood, L. Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems(Third Edition). Wadsworth Publishing, Washington D.C.
Nagy, J.D. 2016. Medicine’s missing link: Review of Evolutionary Medicine, by Stephen Stearns and Ruslan Medzhitov. BioScience 66(4): 328-329.
Nagy, J.D. 2005. Review of Dicing with Death: Chance, Risk and Health, by Stephen Senn. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14: 119-124.