BIO-350 Molecular Biology, Northern Arizona University

Welcome to BIO 350!

On the sidebar menu, you can navigate to various areas that contain information for the class, including the syllabus, exercises, and readings that are not in the text.  Please be aware that all the information on the syllabus is authoritative unless otherwise specified in class. Announcements about the course will be posted in my teaching blog (“Teaching Activities” in the sidebar menu); to get them, look for articles tagged “BIO-350” in the list.

Assignments and grades are available on the course Canvas site.

Links will be updated as needed throughout the semester. Please be aware that if you download something early, it may change in the meantime.

Syllabus for Molecular Biology

The syllabus for this course can be viewed and/or downloaded from the link below.

Students are responsible for the information contained in the Syllabus and University Policies, available here.

Students will be notified by the instructor of any changes in course requirements or policies.

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