Study Guide 3-4

Lecture 3.4 Competencies and Study Guide



  • snRNPs
  • Spliceosome
  • 5′ UTR
  • 3′ UTRMutation
  • Frameshift mutation
  • Missense mutation
  • Nonsense mutation
  • Silent mutation


  1. Describe the difference between primary transcript and mature transcript.
  2. Describe how the ends of the primary transcript are stabilized during post-transcriptional processing of mRNA.
  3. Describe the process by which snRNPs (“snurps”) bind to primary mRNA and coalesce into spliceosomes, including the specific location to which snRNPs bind.
  4. Explain the role of spliceosomes in the translocation of mRNA from nucleus into the cytosol.
  5. Explain the role of the mRNA 5′ UTR in translation.
  6. Describe the events of translation initiation.
  7. Describe the events of translation elongation, including the roles of the A and P sites of the large subunit of the ribosome.
  8. Describe precisely which bonds are formed or broken by the ribosome during translation.
  9. Describe how translation is terminated.
  10. Define mutation.
  11. List the most common types of mutation.
  12. Explain the effects of mutations in coding regions (frameshift, mis-sense, nonsense, silent).
  13. Classify types of mutations.
  14. Identify if a given mutation is a frameshift, mis-sense, nonsense, and/or silent.