4-6 Electron Transport and OXPHOS

Lecture 4.6 Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation


Krebs, Lipmann and others were able to work out where the carbon dioxide originated during oxidative metabolism. But the key question still lingered–it’s oxidative metabolism, so where is the oxygen used? The Krebs cycle simply doesn’t explain that. Well after the biochemical fate of pyruvate was established, the process using oxygen was discovered. That process is called the electron transport chain. But more was to be discovered, because all this process does is make mitochondria into batteries. But what happens when that battery is discharged? The answer lies in oxidative phosphorylation–using oxygen to regenerate ATP. Finally, we come full circle. We started with the observation that cells will run out of ATP is less than a minute. OXPHOS explains why they don’t.


  1. Read Section 9.5 of the textbook.
  2. Download Lecture 4.6 slides.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. In-person section: Attend Lecture 4.1.
    2. Online section: Watch the following video 4.6, OXPHOS.
  4. Complete the questions on Study Guide 4.6.


After completing the activities, log into Canvas, launch BIO 181 and complete Lecture 4.6 Quiz.