3-2 Gene Structure and Arrangement

Lecture 3.2 Gene Structure and Arrangement


The molecular structure of DNA provided clues to its replication, as we saw in the previous lecture. It was also fairly obvious that the information held in the DNA was somehow coded in the sequence of bases. But how is it coded? And what, precisely, is a gene? The first question was largely worked out in the decades following discovery of the molecular structure of the molecule. But the last is still open. In this lecture, we begin our study of gene function by looking first at the anatomy of a “gene” and how these information packets are arranged on chromosomes.


  1. Read sections 16.1 and 16.2 in the textbook.
  2. Download Lecture 3.2 slides.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. In-person section: Attend Lecture 3.2.
    2. Online section: Watch the following videos:
      1. Video 3.2.1, Introduction to DNA logic.
      2. Video 3.2.2, Gene anatomy.
      3. Video 3.2.3, Gene arrangement.
  4. Complete the questions on Study Guide 3.2.


The lectures refer to other resources that you can find here:

  1. NCBI Website.
  2. Chromosome 11 flyover.


After completing the activities, log into Canvas, launch BIO 181 and complete Lec 3.2 Quiz.