1-6 Chromosomes and Cells

Lecture 1.6 Cells and Chromosomes


NASA scientists and others designing experiments that look for life on other planets generally focus on the fact that life on Earth is cellular (in general). But there are two very different types of cellular life on Earth–prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Actually, there are 3, but here we focus on this particular classification. The key differences involve fundamental differences in anatomy and DNA organization, which we begin to explore here.


  1. Read Section 7.1 through 7.6 of the textbook.
  2. Read Sections 12.1 through 12.4 of the textbook.
  3. Download Lecture 1.6 slides.
  4. Do one of the following:
    1. In-person section: Attend Lecture 1.6.
    2. Online section: Watch the following videos:
      1. Video 1.6.1, Prokaryotes.
      2. Video 1.6.2, Eukaryotes.
      3. Video 1.6.3, Mammalian Development.
  5. Complete the questions on Study Guide 1.6.


After completing the activities, log into Canvas, launch BIO 181 and complete Lec 1.6 Quiz.