3-1 DNA Structure and Replication

Lecture 3.1 DNA Structure and Replication


One of the most fascinating aspects of DNA is that some of its function becomes obvious once its structure is known. The elucidation of its structure–a double helix with strict base pairing rules–took some time and some of the greatest minds in the history of science. In this lecture we will explore that discovery and the evidence behind it. We follow up the discovery of DNA’s structure with an observation made by one of the key architects of the theory: “It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possilbe copying mechanism for the genetic material.”


  1. Review sections 4.1 and 4.2 in the textbook.
  2. Read chapter 15 in the textbook.
  3. Download Lecture 3.1 slides.
  4. Do one of the following:
    1. In-person section: Attend lecture 3.1
    2. Online section: Watch the following videos:
      1. Video 3.1.1, History and significance of DNA structure.
      2. Video 3.1.2, DNA synthesis 1.
      3. Video 3.1.3, DNA synthesis 2.
  5. Complete the questions on Study Guide 3.1.


The lectures refer to other resources that you can find here:

  1. NCBI Website
  2. DNA Replication Animation


After completing the activities, log into Canvas, launch BIO 181 and complete Lec 3.1 Quiz.