3-4 Translation

Lecture 3.4 Translation


The second step in the central dogma has information flowing from RNA to protein. That process is called transcription. Conceptually the information coded in the sequences of bases on RNA informs the cell of the proper sequence of amino acids on a particular poplypeptide or protein. In this lecture we begin a study of the details of the mechanisms the cell uses to accomplish this task.


  1. Read sections 17.3 through 17.5 in the textbook.
  2. Download Lecture 3.4 slides.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. In-person section: Attend Lecture 3.4.
    2. Online section: Watch the following vidoes:
      1. Video 3.4.1, Translation initiation.
      2. Video 3.4.2, Mutation.
  4. Complete the questions on Study Guide 3.4.


After completing the activities, log into Canvas, launch BIO 181 and complete Lec 3.5 Quiz.