Study Guide 2-5

Lecture 2.5 Competencies and Study Guide

Exceptions to Mendel


  • Incomplete dominance
  • Codominance
  • Sex-linked trait
  • X-linked trait
  • Y-linked trait
  • Polygenic trait
  • Epistasis
  • Linked traits


  1. Define incomplete dominance.
  2. Define codominance.
  3. Identify Mendelian, incompletely dominant and codominant traits given the outcomes of hybrid crosses.
  4. Describe the genetic determination of thalessemia.
  5. Describe the genetic determination of ABO blood groups in humans.
  6. Describe the genetic determination of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
  7. Predict the outcomes of crosses involving incompletely dominant traits.
  8. Predict the outcomes of crosses involving codominant traits.
  9. Predict the outcomes of crosses involving X-linked traits.
  10. Describe the genetic determination of hair color in mammals.
  11. Describe the genetic determination of albinism in mammals.
  12. Describe Thomas Hunt Morgan’s experiments on fruitfly body color and wing length, and explain how these traits fail to obey Mendel’s principle of independent assortment.