Study Guide 2-7

Lecture 2.7 Competencies and Study Guide

Natural Selection


  • (Biological) evolution
  • Natural selection
  • Microevolution
  • Speciation
  • Macroevolution
  • Biological species
  • Morphological species


  1. Explain why Charles Darwin is not responsible for the “theory” of evolution.
  2. Name Darwin’s actual theory.
  3. Explain the difference between microevolution, speciation, and macroevolution.
  4. Explain how modern dogs originated, and from what population they descend.
  5. Explain the both the argument for and against the conclusion that an Irish elk hound (the largest dog) and a teacup chihuahua (one of the smallest) are different species.
  6. Explain how natural selection relates to artificial selection.
  7. Explain, using the concept of natural selection, precisely why HIV becomes resistant to AZT monotherapy.