Study Guide 3-3

Lecture 3.3 Competencies and Study Guide



  • Codon
  • Sense strand
  • Template strand
  • RNA polymerase
  • α-helix
  • β-pleated sheet
  • Hemoglobin
  • Pseudogene
  • Transcription factor
  • Regulator protein
  • Enhancer
  • Activator protein


  1. Explain the Central “Dogma” of biology.
  2. Define transcription in the context of gene expression.
  3. Define translation in the context of gene expression.
  4. Transcribe on paper any section of a coding region.
  5. Use the RNA to protein “dictionary” translate any mature mRNA sequence.
  6. Use the RNA to protein “dictionary” to reverse translate an amino acid sequence into mRNA.
  7. Explain precisely in what sections of DNA codons actually exist.
  8. Describe the initiation phase of transcription without aids.
  9. Describe the elongation phase of transcription without aids.
  10. Describe the termination phase of transcription without aids.
  11. Explain the role of RNA polymerase in transcription.
  12. Explain the direction, using the concepts of 3′ and 5′ ends of sequences, the direction of transcription.
  13. Compare and contrast sense and template strands of DNA.
  14. Explain the relationship between the sense strand of DNA and the mRNA sequence.
  15. Describe the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of a protein.
  16. Describe the structure of mammalian hemoglobin.
  17. Describe the differences between adult and fetal hemoglobin.
  18. Describe the chromosomal distribution of the globin gene family, including locations of α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ε- and ζ-globins, and their pseudo-genes.
  19. Define pseudo-gene.
  20. Describe how expression of α-, β-, γ-globin varies during development from the time of conception to 48 weeks after birth in a human.
  21. Bonus. Describe how expression of δ-, ε- and ζ-globins varies during development from the time of conception to 48 weeks after birth in a human.
  22. Describe the role of transcription factors in the gene expression.
  23. Describe the events initiated by transcription factors that eventually lead to transcription of a gene.
  24. Explain the role of regulator proteins, including where they bind on the DNA, in eukaryotic gene regulation.
  25. Explain the role of activator proteins and enhancers in eukaryotic gene regulation.