Lecture 4.3 Competencies and Study Guide
- Catalyst
- Enzyme
- Catalytic site
- Activation energy
- Oxidation
- Reduction
- Synthesis
- Chemosynthesis
- Photosynthesis
- Explain what happens to sucrose after it is ingested into the small intestine.
- Explain the role of disaccharidase in that process, and express the sign of ΔG for that reaction.
- Define enzyme.
- Define catalyst.
- Compare and contrast Gibbs free energy with activation energy.
- Explain why a bag of sucrose you buy at the store does not become glucose and fructose by the time you use it in your home.
- Explain how enzymes act as catalysts.
- Define the catalytic site of an enzyme.
- Describe how hexokinase looks and how it changes when it binds to glucose.
- Describe the structural level at which this change occurs.
- Describe an enzyme’s catalytic cycle.
- Explain how hydrothermal vent ecosystems differ from other marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
- Define oxidation and reduction, and explain them in terms of energy transfer.
- Identify oxidation and reduction in chemical reaction equations by looking at transfer of O and H.
- Define synthesis, and compare and contrast chemosynthesis and photosynthesis.
- Write the equation for chemosynthesis used by archaeans (archaebacteria) living in hydrothermal vents.
- Identify what is being oxidized and reduced in the chemosynthesis equation.
- Explain how energy is transferred from the Earth’s heat to living things in hydrothermal vent ecosystems.